Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mama Cried ~ Talia Haven

    Mama Cried
  • File Size: 499 KB
  • Print Length: 12 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Sheehan and Haven; 1 edition (January 9, 2015)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English

 January 9, 2015

Jenny was enjoying herself on the swings when Azula, one of the guardians of the playground came to take her away.
Together they journey to a cinder building where Jenny must make a powerful decision. 

My take on this book:
Talia Haven packs plenty of story into the twelve pages of Mama Cried. When I started reading this story I was unsure what sort of journey the author planned on taking me on, after all we meet young Jenny, swinging with her friends, her two puppies lying on the ground by the swings. Soon though we learn that there is much more going on than initially meets the eye when Jenny is taken to a cinder block building by a guardian named Azula. When she goes into the building she is faced with making a horrendous decision, but ultimately  her decision is based on not her own hurts but the hurt she knows her beloved mother feels daily.

There is so much emotion packed into this story that it literally jumps from the pages. Talia Haven pulled me into the story so effectively that I actually shed a tear as the truth of the story unfolded. A very well crafted short story that flows well, paired with rich detail allowing me to visualise the events as they unfolded. The author packs a real emotional wallop with a very satisfying end. I will certainly be watching for more from this author.

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