Thursday, December 30, 2010

Special Guest Reviewer Tomorrow and Book Blogger Hop

I live in a tiny little town in WV, and for the last year our little community has worked hard to get a new library.In early December the communities hard work paid off, here is a picture of our old library:

Here is a picture of our new library that became open to patrons around the first of December. What an amazing Christmas gift for our town!
In honor of the opening of our new library, I asked my favorite librarian, uhh humm,we only have one, sorry Becky just had to say that, to post a review on my blog. She has graciously accepted and will do a book review and giveaway tomorrow. It is amazing what one tiny little town can accomplish when they pull together and work toward a common goal.

I am often asked what I do with my review books. Well most are donated to my town library, so that people in the community can read  them. Funding for our local libraries is limited, so they don't have a big book budget. When the library moved into the new building they only had seven thousand books, hopefully with donations they will be able to double the number this year!

Tomorrow Becky will be reviewing "What A Difference A Dog Makes" and thanks to Doubleday we will also be giving away two copies of the book, so be sure and drop in and check out her review!


 What are your new years book blogging resolutions?

1. Comment more when I visit blogs.
2.Post a wider variety of book reviews.
3. Host more giveaways, to get rid of the arc's that are piling up.
4. Continue to have fun reading!
5. To keep hopping so that I can continue to meet fantastic book bloggers.


  1. Old follower just stopping by to check out your resolutions, let me know when they're up and I'll come back.

    Happy New Years!
    ~Inspired Kathy
    I Am A Reader, Not a Writer's Hop

  2. Congratulations! What a beautiful library!! So good of you to donate your books.

    btw, I missed the link to Becky's blog ...

    Have a Happy New Year!!

  3. Jinky, Becky doesn't have a blog, instead she will be guest posting on my blog tomorrow.

  4. Aww that's a beautiful library.
    Some good goals too.
    have a good weekend1

  5. New follower hopping through! Have a Happy New Year and don't forget to stop by my blog and enter my giveaway for Nightshade(ends 1/3)!


  6. What a lovely new library! And I will comment more too... I've been following your blog for awhile, but I doubt that I've commented as much as I should! Have a Happy New Years!


Your wonderful comments make my day, thanks for dropping by!