Sunday, April 10, 2016

Breakthrough Bible ~ Ray Geide

  • Paperback: 352 pages
  • Publisher: Breakthrough Version Publishing (January 30, 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0962801240
  • ISBN-13: 978-0962801242
  • Bibles should not be Misleading

    People assume that the Bible tells the same message as it did hundreds of years ago. It doesn’t. It’s words are the same, but they have changed in meaning.

    English is constantly changing. Hundreds of years ago when English Bibles were first written, believe used to mean trust. Today it doesn't. Reward used to mean pay. Today it doesn't. There are hundreds more. This is a problem few readers are aware of.

    Today's new Bible versions miss most of these. They still use the old words even though they don't mean what readers think they mean. This is misleading. Bibles should not be misleading.

    To solve this problem, Ray Geide (a former missionary, pastor, and Bible teacher with an MDiv in New Testament Studies) spent over thirty years developing a new set of words that accurately portray the original meaning. These words and many new breakthroughs are integrated into this handy New Testament.

    • accurate

    • easy to understand

    • corrects thousands of problems in the other versions

    • brings out special nuances from the original Greek text

    • uses common everyday words

    • sets a new standard for Bible versions

    Bible versions today are a minefield of misunderstood words. In a recent survey, people misunderstood 68% of the Bible's common words. Words like believe, lord, preach, study, grace, and worship, do not mean what the reader thinks they mean because they come from old Bible versions written when these words meant something else.
    This book does something unique. It goes back to the Greek text, digs up the original meanings, and replaces the misunderstood words with new words that communicate the proper meaning.

    But there are more problems. Few people realize that the KJV and newer versions are not consistent in their translation of the Greek text. They use different English words to translate the same Greek word. They also use transliterations that hide the meaning of some words. They do not convey nuances found in the Greek text. And they propagate many incorrect renderings. The Breakthrough Version fixes these problems and many more.

    The New Testament: Breakthrough Version is a complete makeover of the New Testament. It is a contemporary literal translation of the old Greek text that tears down the language barrier of other Bible versions and develops a better understanding of God's Word.

My take on this Bible:
I am always looking for better understanding of my Bible reading and the Breakthrough Bible is written for today's reader, in an easy to understand format that uses words that are taken from the Greek manuscripts and translated to the accurate English words. Mr. Geide even includes a Bible word helper card that share commonly misunderstood words. Anyone can pick up this translation, read it, and get the gist of what God's message is. I will be the first to admit that I always fall back to my KJV Bible, and I know many people feel the same way, but don't let that stop you from exploring this translation because you may just get a clearer understanding of what you are reading. If I had one complaint it's that the version is only New Testament, because I would love to read the Old Testament using this version.  

A complimentary copy of this Bible was provided for review

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