Thursday, January 8, 2015

Yancy ~ Tell Cotten

  • File Size: 778 KB
  • Print Length: 163 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Solstice Publishing (January 1, 2015)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00RDNK8H2

 January 1, 2015

Yancy Landon was a simple man who lived by a lawman’s code of ethics. He always did the right thing, no matter the cost.

When Cooper Landon vows to find a boy captured by Apache Indians, Yancy doesn’t hesitate to aid his brother. Along the way they get caught up in survival, revenge, relationships, and the code of honor.

YANCY continues the story of The Landon Saga… 

My take on this book:

Yancy by Tell Cotten is the latest installment in The Landon Saga. This book focuses mainly on Yancy with a side spotlight on Cooper Landon. Yancy has been a lawman most of his life, with his latest job as peacekeeper being in Midway, Texas. Politics have changed though and now he finds himself forced to run for the office of sheriff, instead of just being appointed. When his older brother Cooper learns a young boy has been kidnapped by the  Apache he vows to rescue him and of course Yancy isn't going to let him go alone. Will Yancy be elected sheriff and how will he and Cooper ever outsmart an old Indian enemy?

It's no wonder Tell Cotten is an award winning author, his writing style is smooth and easy to read, and he always leaves me wanting to read more about his characters! His way with words easily gets me in the mindset of the time period allowing me to imagine the dangers that seemed to lurk at each turn. He also captures the ideal that it took a special kind of man to be a lawman and he creates that special man with Yancy! Truthfully though the entire Landon clan seems to have a propensity for doing what's right even though it's usually far from easy. I found it amusing that Yancy seemed to get tongue tied when he was around a certain female, and I can only hope that perhaps someday he will finally get his girl.   Mr. Cotten does a wonderful job of balancing a tightly woven, sometimes tense plot with the right amount of witty banter between the characters to provide a bit of levity to lighten the mood, something that makes his writing seem very realistic.  I found more than a few laugh out loud moments where Cooper and his wife Josie were concerned, especially when it came to  her cooking and healing skills.The mention of the Texas Rangers really left me wanting to learn more about their inception, something I hadn't really thought about until reading Yancy. I have read several of the books in the Landon series and have to say I love the recurring mention of Jug-Head. While the author provides enough background information that this book could be read alone I highly recommend reading the series in order so that you get a greater understanding of the characters. I admit I somehow missed the last book, but plan on remedying that situation right away. Anyone looking for an engaging western read that provides great characters, more than a bit of danger and a plot that will pull you right back to the days when the west was still untamed should check out Tell Cotten's Landon Saga.

Reviewed for


  1. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.

  2. Hi Brenda! Thanks for the wonderful review! ~ Tell Cotten


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