Sunday, December 8, 2013

Echoes Of Paradise by Deanna Kahler ~ review


Does Love Survive Death?
When Celeste’s one true love Connor dies, she’s left with many questions and regrets. Caught in a web of painful memories from her troubled past – and a complicated marriage to a materialistic executive – she ventures into an unknown world. What she experiences makes her more determined than ever to find out what really happens after death and what became of her lost love. Her journey takes her to places she never thought possible. But just around the corner, danger still lurks. Will she find the answers she seeks and ultimately discover the truth?

To win a copy of Echoes of Paradise click here.

My take on this book:
Echoes Of Paradise gives us the story of Celeste and Connor, a couple  who had dated for a while and really had a soul connection. Unfortunately life happened though and Connor took a job out of the country so Celeste moved on marrying Dave, even though Celeste's heart really belonged to Connor. Dave and Celeste's marriage was never really smooth sailing, and they had even separated, the one good thing to come out of the marriage was Chip, there five year old son, and they hoped to make the marriage work for him. Celeste gets a message that Connor is coming home and wants to see her, but tragedy strikes and Connor never makes it home. Celeste can't get past her grief but soon notices things happening that really can't be explained. When Chip starts saying that he is seeing an angel and describes Connor there is no doubt that he is trying to contact her. As Celeste starts to explore what happens after death she soon learns that death, time or space can't separate two hearts that belong together. 

A touching love story with a paranormal twist is what I found within the pages of this story. Celeste was someone who had really compromised where her life was concerned. After a horrible, abusive relationship with a man named Andy, she met Connor and really never loved anyone else. A true soul connection formed between them but life really got in the way. When she married Dave she never really let him know who she really was, it wasn't until she reconnected with Connor even though it was after his death that she truly realized what she had been missing, she really had only been existing not living. The characters were very well written Dave was an ok character I didn't like or dislike him, instead I really felt sorry for him. He loved Celeste but they were really totally different, he was materialistic and she wasn't. Five year old Chip is a wonderful character the author captures his essence perfectly, I could just imagine the smart young man that he was! Deanna Kahler really takes Celeste on an eye opening journey, and the reader goes along for the spiritual journey as well. The explanations of the spirit world really made it clear that the author did her research, her vivid descriptions really allowed me to visualise what she was describing.    While this is a fictional tale the information that the author shares about the afterlife and what happens when we die really does enlighten and has me wanting to study this topic further. While there are several spiritual messages woven into the story there are also more  than a few twists to make for a page turning plot, with an ending that was totally unexpected but fit perfectly. Echoes Of Paradise is a satisfying read that left me feeling uplifted and encouraged.
Reviewed for

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