Monday, September 30, 2013

Emotions by Charles F. Stanley

  • Hardcover: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Howard Books (October 1, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1476752060
  • ISBN-13: 978-1476752068

Emotions contends that God has gifted us with emotions since the very beginning--and He did so with very concrete purposes in mind: so that we can enjoy life, so we can connect with others, so we can reflect God's image in us. 

But too often, instead of making the best of this gift, our emotions make the worst of us. Though we cannot see, taste, or touch our emotions, we are constantly affected by their forceful presence and the incredible influence they have over us. They can alter how we view our day, other people, and even the major events in our lives. Through our feelings, we have the capacity to enjoy amazing triumphs and deep fulfillment or experience crushing defeat and ruined relationships. 

Dr. Stanley shares four steps to handling our emotions in a healthy manner:
1. Developing a healthy relationship with God. 
2. Examining the thoughts that dominate our lives. 
3. Exchanging our negative thought patters for positive ones. 
4. Practicing regular and honest prayer.

Unhealthy emotions manifest themselves in destructive patterns: 
1. Persistent lack of peace 
2. Ongoing indecision 
3. Diminished self-confidence 
4. Damaged relationships 
5. Poor health 
6. Stagnated spiritual growth

This inspiring book of hope and solutions teaches readers how to take control of their emotions by taking control of their thinking. In its pages readers will learn how to become free of the negative emotions that steal their potential, and reclaim the purpose and joy for which God created them.

My take on this book:
I try to read everything Charles Stanley writes, for me he is a spiritual leader who has a wonderful way of teaching me what I need to know when I need to know it! In his latest book "Emotions" Confront the Lies and Conquer With Truth he gets to the emotional heart of the pain that holds so many of us captive. With insight and wisdom along with the use of scriptures he guides the reader on a journey that can lead them out of the darkness of negative emotions and into the light of God's wonderful love!

This book consists of ten chapters and there were a few chapters that really jumped out at me. One of the chapters revolved around rejection, one of the most painful emotions that there is, because it distorts how we view ourselves. We may not even realize that we are influenced by this emotion. Not only does Dr. Stanley reveal how we can overcome the bondage to this emotion, but he reminds us of our worth to our Heavenly father. Another chapter that spoke to me was "All The Way To Victory" which reminds that adversity can be God's greatest tool for spiritual growth. This book is written in a very easy to use format, and the personal stories make it a very easy book to relate to, and also shows that Mr. Stanley knows what he is talking about because of personal insights he shares. There are questions at the end of each chapter that allow for further reflection. Perfect for group or individual study, I think that "Emotions" by Charles Stanley is full of useful tools for anyone looking to begin to heal the hurts and break the negative emotions that hold them back.

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review.

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