Friday, June 25, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

Welcome to my website. Thanks for hopping in look around,and  be sure and leave me a comment. Thanks to Jennifer over atCrazy for Books for hosting the hop.


  1. Stopping by via the hop, you've got a great blog! Have a good weekend!

  2. What a pretty blog you have :) thanks for stopping by mine, I am now a follower of yours.

    Tomes Devotee

  3. Hello, Brenda. It's interesting how things work out. I was doing The Hop when I found your particular blog. The genre lists both Christian and horror, and I just had an e-book published this past February by Vamplit Publishing which was also that particular combination. It is a vampire novel where one vampire may not be as far from the Kingdom as he previously thought. The other thing I noticed was I am 41, too.
    Small world!
    Anyway, I'm following now, so continued success with the blog!

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog. Popped over to your blog to check it out. I like it!

  5. Just hopping by to say, "Hi." This is a great combination blog: reviewing and stiching.


Your wonderful comments make my day, thanks for dropping by!