
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Confessions of a Gunfighter ~ Tell Cotten ~ review

Confessions of a Gunfighter

  • Paperback: 324 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 21, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1481806297
  • ISBN-13: 978-1481806299

This book is also available as an e-book.

December 21, 2012

Texas, 1871 This, in his own words, is the tale of Rondo Landon, gunfighter. His pa gave him the ivory-handled Colt and Ben Kinrich taught him how to use it. Rondo is a troubled gunfighter with quite a past. Recognized by his six-gun, he is known for robbing banks, stagecoaches, payrolls, and for rustling cows. Now, locked in a jail, it looks like Rondo will be facing a long prison term, or worse. But, before that happens, he has a few stories to set straight.

My take on this book:
Rondo Landon never wanted to become an outlaw, instead it had been his dream to work on a ranch breaking broncs. He grew up on a small farm in Louisiana with is father and uncle Elliot, who was more like a brother to him. His father always said he had a way with guns, and gifted him with an ivory handled- six shooter. When the Landon's couldn't  pay the taxes on their farm they decide to head to Texas hooking up with a wagon train. When something happens that takes the life of his dad and uncle, Rondo finds himself seeking revenge and kills the wagon train leader. So at the age of fourteen he finds himself on the run with only his six-shooter and his horse Slim. When he meets up with Ben Kinrich ,a notorious outlaw, who offers to take him under his wing and teach him survival skills, he really has no choice. Soon Rondo finds himself working with Kinrich, and as his reputation grows he becomes one of the most wanted men in Texas!

"Confessions of a Gunfighter" is told in such a straightforward manner I really felt like I was hearing the voice of Rondo Landon. The author not only captures,but allowed me to experience the path that Rondo chose. When we meet Rondo, he is in jail, but then Tell Cotten takes us back to the beginning, giving me a unique glimpse of a young boy, with hopes and dreams, only to find that the road of an outlaw was his only choice.I kept thinking that Rondo was a gunfighter with a conscience. Along with the strong connection that I felt with the main character,I also found myself waffling back and forth where  the character of Ben Kinrich was concerned. His dramatic mood swings, along with his twisted ideas seemed very realistic and literally jumps off of the pages. I really couldn't decide whether he was actually Rondo's friend or not. 

 Mr. Cotten also brings to life the feeling of a dangerous time in the west. When Indian attacks were common, and figuring out who the bad guy is wasn't always easy!  Mr. Cotten's telling of this story effortlessly pulled me back in time, allowing me a brief experience of how the West really was. The sign of a good book for me is hating to see it end, and while the author gives us a great ending, I was left missing Rondo and his adventures once the story ended! Tell Cotten certainly knows how to weave a story, and  is an author who really knows his stuff when it comes to telling a western.

reviewed for 


  1. Sounds like a good story Tell. Congrats on the good review.

  2. Great review, and much deserved, Tell.


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