
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Feature and Follow ~ Blog Hopping

8474595901 873f4993f4 Feature & Follow #137
The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. 

Thanks so much for dropping by WV Stitcher. I love new followers, and if you do follow be sure and leave a comment, because I always follow back. Thanks to Parajunkee & Alison Can Read for this fantabulous hop! 
This weeks Question:

We always talk about books that WE want. Let’s turn it on its head. What books have you given other people lately?

That's easy! I have been thinning out my library and my friends are very into Amish fiction right now so they always are happy to get any Amish title that I am willing to part with! 

Friendship Friday

This Week’s Theme for Friendship Friday is:Preferences!

  • What do you prefer: Printed Books or E-books?
  • What do you prefer: Desktop Computers, Laptops, or Tablets?
I like both Print and E-books it just depends on whether I am reading at home or on the road.

I prefer my laptop, or tablet, because they are so portable.

I love new followers, and always follow back, just leave a comment! Thanks for dropping by and have an awesome weekend!


  1. I love sharing recommendations! I'm a new follower! Happy Friday!

    Follow that Penguin

  2. Thanks so much for the follow, I'm hopping right over to return the favor. Happy Hopping and have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Hi, Brenda. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I'm following you back via GFC. Hope to read your posts. Nice blog BTW :)

    Kaykay @ The Creative Forum
    Happy Reading :)

  4. Amish is way out of my Genre I think, glad you are enjoying them!!

    Here's My FF!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
    Old Follower :)

  5. Hi Brenda! It's always nice to pass along books to friends & family. :) Thanks for hopping by my blog and for the follow. I'm now following you. Enjoy the weekend!

  6. Nice! At Xmas I buy books for my family, but only if they tell me something specific. For my friend however, I choose whatever paranormals I think she doesn't have!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I think it's great you're passing off books to friends. I'm sure they are enjoying the books.

    I prefer a physical book, but lately I like going to bed with my Kindle Fire and turning off the light to read. Now I dread a physical book at night because it means getting up to turn off the light.

    Jessica @ Literary, etc
    (new follower via GFC & Twitter)

  8. That's awesome! I love to pass along books too :)
    new follower :)
    here's our FF

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  9. I haven't heard of that yet and btw cute blog! :D

    NEW GFC Follower

  10. That's great that your friends read the same books as you. It makes life easier.

    I'm an old follower, but a new blogger.
    Here is my Feature & Follow Friday Post.

    Lisa @ I'll Tumble For YA

  11. Hi, from a new GFC follower.

    Good answer! :)

  12. I definitely prefer physical copies of books to ebooks, but I do read ebooks often.

  13. Following back! I am old school I guess, I prefer print books and desktop computers although a laptop is fine if the mouse works well. I also prefer to keep lists written on paper rather then digital! I still use all the other stuff too though; maybe I will learn to like it!

  14. New follower looking forward to reading more on your blog. I'm following you on GFC.


  15. New Follower! :)

  16. I love reading Amish fiction too.

    New GFC Follower

    Thanks for following

  17. Sad to say the only Amish book I've read so far is Keep Sweet. But would love to read more.

    Thanks for stopping by. New follower :)

  18. Sorry I'm a little slow with my reply. I had a busy weekend and barely got any time on my computer. It's nice that you are willing to give away some of your books. I'm a bit possessive and don't even like to loan mine out for fear of them coming back damaged.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I am following you back via GFC.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  19. Hello! I saw you at the hop social and I am your newest follower in GFC from I look forward to seeing you over at my blog next :)


Your wonderful comments make my day, thanks for dropping by!