
Friday, December 21, 2012

Come to the Table by Neta Jackson ~ review

  • Paperback: 400 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson (December 11, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1595548653
  • ISBN-13: 978-1595548658

This book is also available as an e-book.

December 11, 2012 A SouledOut Sisters Novel (Book 2)

Kat Davies is suddenly wondering if her good deed was a bad idea.

Kat may be new in her faith, but she's embraced the more radical implications of Christianity with reckless abandon. She invited Rochelle--a homeless mother--and her son to move in the apartment she shares with two other housemates. And she's finally found a practical way to channel her passion for healthy eating by starting a food pantry at the church.

Her feelings for Nick are getting harder to ignore. The fact that he's the interning pastor at SouledOut Community Church and one of her housemates makes it complicated enough. But with Rochelle showing interest in Nick as a father-figure for her son, their apartment is feeling way too small.

But not everyone thinks the food pantry is a good idea. When the woman she thought would be her biggest supporter just wants to "pray about it," Kat is forced to look deeper at her own motives. Only when she begins to look past the surface does she see people who are hungry and thirsty for more than just food and drink and realizes the deeper significance of inviting them to "come to the table."

My take on this book:

After feeling just so-so about the first book in this series I hoped that I might enjoy this one better but honestly had a hard time reconnecting with the characters, making it  a middle of the road read for me. Usually when I read a book, I feel compelled to finish, but no so with "Come To The Table," instead I found myself reading a chapter or two and then putting it down for several days at a time.  While the plot moved along at a good pace, and I did enjoy the developing romance that took place between two of the main characters, I just didn't feel the connection with the characters that drives me to finish a story.

This book is the second in the Souled Out Sisters series and in my opinion you would understand the characters in this story better by reading the first book in the series titled "Stand By Me." Overall, it was really book like for me, but I do plan on reading more from this author.

rating 3/5

A complimentary copy of this book was provided in exchange for an honest review.

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